Wheel Repair
Our expert team uses state-of-the-art equipment to repair almost any level of damage.

Wheel Customising
Looking for something unique? Our team has many years of experience customising all types of wheels.

Machining & Drilling
If you have a need for custom machining or drilling then you can’t beat the team at Wheel Revolution.

Family Operated for over 20+ years
Brisbane’s Premier Dealer and Repair Stop for Wheels & Mags
We have 30 years of experience in the industry of Wheel Repairing, Wheel Customising, Custom Machining and Drilling. And a further 50 years of knowledge of the Wheel-Automotive Industry and a great understanding of Wheel Fitments.
For the last 50 years, we have privately worked with all major wheel manufacturing companies (ROH, Dynamic Wheels, Simmons Wheels, Speedy Wheels, YHI, King Wheels etc.), as well as major tyre services and franchises (Jax Quick Fit Tyres, Beaurepaires, Bridgestone Select etc.) within Queensland and all over Australia.
Browse our range of wheels & mags
Massive Selection of Wheels & Rims

What our clients say…
We work hard to keep our customers happy and offer the absolute best service possible.